Sunday, February 10, 2013

Cloudy Days and Moon Filled Nights

This week, in science, in first grade, we are learning about changes in the sky. So we're learning about the different types of clouds, the phases of the moon, and that sort of thing.

My district is VERY BIG on foldable books, something I usually avoid because I'm artistic, but when it comes to things like folding and cutting, I'm pretty much a special case, but I decided I'd give it a try this week since my students are all very creative and love to do things involving crayons, markers, and scissors.

The first one we're doing is on Phases of the Moon

They're nothing special. Just card-stock, folded in half and then I attempted to cut four equal sections, which I labeled with the different phases of the moon. I know there are MORE than four, I took astronomy in college [and did very well in it, I must add], but the curriculum only requires them to know these four, and really they're the same as the other phases, you just insert phrases such as waxing and waning, which I will do, just orally [plus cutting a paper into like eight sections would look really bad if I did it]. Inside, I have some simple facts about each phase, and I just drew a picture of that phase and re-labeled it. My students are doing that one tomorrow.

The second foldable book, which will be done on Thursday, when I'm away, at my LAST GT training [although I am sad I am missed the Valentine's Day Party with my students, I might just throw one that Friday] is on the different types of clouds.

First, on Wednesday, I'll probably make an anchor chart on the different types of clouds with the students just so they have the information to put in their foldable books, and hang it somewhere in my classroom.

The the book will look something like this:

The same thing basically... Paper folded in half, and then cut into four sections. On the outside are the type of clouds [notice my typo with cumulonimbus that I had white-out, I put an o, at first], and then on the inside, another picture, and some basic facts about the clouds.

Last week, they made books on the four seasons. I'm not sure how they turned out. I was at a training and then sick with strep throat [love the elementary school germs], I shall see them tomorrow. I'm sure my little darlings will be insane since they've been without me for two days, and then the weekend, hopefully I can drag them back into shape without going insane myself.

I have a feeling it's going to be a long week.

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